Customer Reviews for Paul Simon
Simon Says-And The Fans Love It!
Just saw the Boston show at TD Center-A beautiful, 2-1/2 hour performance (including encores) by Paul and his incredibly talented band. About 2 dozen songs were performed- from megahits to some lesser known ones. He weaved in humorous anecdotes between some of the songs, and seemed to feed off the energy of a very loving audience.My highlights-a very personal "Bridge" (quite different without Garfunkel but still great in Simon's style), a soulful "American Tune" that still resonates today, 45 years after Paul wrote it, "You Can Call Me Al" which really got the place hopping, and the very humorous "Wrist Band". Catch this show if you can-it's just about perfect! And suitable for the whole family.
Paul Simon (Farewell Tour)
My first Simon concert. Wow! Hit all the notes. Drew tears with the old ballads and standing dance with rockin hits, a great anthology of his infinite talent. His voice is still boyish and clear and oh so recognizable! And the mini orchestra was especially talented. The sound at the Garden makes live fun again. One gets the feeling Paul and company are really savoring this one. As am I! Boston is a great place to do it up! Hotels in walking distance along the Charles River with many dining/drinking options before or after show. So glad we went!
It was a love-fest!
Saw Paul Simon’s farewell tour concert at the full-to-the-rafters Garden last night, it was a mix of sing-along and just sit and listen, mesmerized, to new arrangements of some great old chestnuts. Simon’s energy, love of music came shining through all during the over 2-1/2 hours, in fine voice, and arms open wide to his audience. Loved the band, great show!
Paul took “my†music and elevated it with genius, creative, brilliant arrangements, keeping enough of the integrity of the originals for PS purists. Every member of his band was a virtuoso. Renee Magritte was unbelievable. His string/wind arrangements were wildly intricate and the group played without charts!, for 2.5 hours. He sang acapella above them. And the world musicians all around him and the band regulars just blew my mind. For 2.5 hours the entire world was aligned perfectly. Ahhhhhhhhhh,!
still the best after all these years
super concert at BB&T , september 8, 2018. Sang for 2.5 hours , including 2 encores. The band was complex and outstanding with brass, string and a multitude of unconventional instruments, in addition to the typical percussion and guitars. A great set list which combined some of the classics with the latest by Paul. Overall, a concdert to remember, just like the central park concert minus the 485000 attendees!
Even better than the Philadelphia concert
I am an admited groupie. I saw him and his band in Philadelphia in June. My friend and I both agree that the DC performance was better than the one in Philadelphia. Several reasons. The DC crowd was much better behaved. More importantly, the band has become tighter and Ymusic much more integrated with the other musicians. The performance of "Rene and Georgia Magritte. . . " seemed disjoined in Philadelphia while it was beyond lovely in DC. The only downside was that the acoustics in DC were a notch below the acoustics in Philadelphia. I have heard Paul Simon in concert many times going back to my days as a student at the University of Pennsylvania (College '70). He never disappoints.